Why Even Blog?

7:47 AM

I sat yesterday trying to figure out in what direction I wanted my blog to go. There are many paths a blogger can take, many focuses and many mediums (writing, vlogging, etc). I also thought of what my purpose was in blogging in the first place. I derived at a simple conclusion: writing was my first love, poetry to be exact, and I don't want to become so busy with day to day tasks that I forget my passion. Anyone that knows me may probably say that my passions include music, children, and natural living (hair, skin, etc). However, not many know about my love for writing. I find that writing can be therapeutic, stress relieving, and rewarding.

I was in the process of moving, and found myself becoming very stressed with what I needed to accomplish in such little time, all while still caring out real world duties such as work, school, etc. As I sat there trying to get my mind together, I had a like on my Facebook page from one of my blog posts from last year. I immediately felt guilty for neglecting my blog after less than 10 posts. I was so sure that I was going to stay on top of it and that I was going to keep working at it. Instead, I did exactly what I was afraid of - I forgot about it in the midst of everyday life. At that moment, I knew I had to get back on the ball with my blogging, if for no one else, for me. This time, I'm more than determined to consistently blog. As for what I'll blog about... it will depend on the events of the day/week.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll stay tuned.

xoxo Lovelies!

~ Curly Kay

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